Winter Lv4


  • C++操作文件 这里记录一些相关要用的知识点 便于统一看

    • **流访问,有open std::ios::binary ,.good(),.get(),.read()的一些参数 **
    • 重载函数规范有点忘记。
    • copy (stored data) to a different location, especially so as to protect against loss. dump in computer mean
    • ESCAPE SYMBOL 溢出符号
    • Run-length encode a lossless encode method  just to replace the runS(many values occurs consecutivelt) w12b2cd13e32 .eg
    • const只是语法检查 所以地址转换是一个编程漏洞
  • Post title:TGA_CXX
  • Post author:Winter
  • Create time:2023-09-22 15:21:07
  • Post link:
  • Copyright Notice:All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.
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