

Winter Lv4

Tales from the Loop



  • 一个假期,很多东西都忘记了,尤其是一些快捷键和命令之类的,以及blog的使用,这里就记下一些entries,在以后出现这种情况的时候可以快速复原。
    • Blog : 首先powershell到博客文件夹, win x the i; page up to find the cd command ; the hexo new to create a md file with the title you give,hexo s just to start the local server, hexo g to generate your commits, hexo d to deploy you blog;
    • Google: 使用的一些东西 ctrl + tab tab之间进行切换 ctrl+ 数字 to jump to the given tab, ctrl + t create new tab, ctrl+ n create new window, alt+v translate the chosen word;
    • Windows: alt+tab switch the tasks; ctrl + win switch the background;
  • Post title:环形物语
  • Post author:Winter
  • Create time:2023-12-19 13:22:15
  • Post link:https://spikeihg.github.io/2023/12/19/环形物语/
  • Copyright Notice:All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.
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